As part of our enquiry, on behalf of Wales Council for Voluntary Action, into resilience we are pleased to launch a survey canvassing perceptions and interpretations of the concept in the third sector in Wales.
Technically, there are three surveys because we think it is possible for someone to have different perspectives on resilience given the different hats many individuals wear in the sector.
For example, you may work in multiple part-time roles; you may work full-time in the sector and undertake voluntary work in your own time; or you may work in the sector as well as act as a trustee; or you may be retired but are a trustee of several charitable organisations.
We are thrilled to be hosting the surveys on Doopoll, a Welsh tech company, reflecting our commitment with this work to re-invest the budget in the Welsh foundational economy, including recruiting focus group facilitators from the voluntary sector itself.

Click below on your preferred survey in your preferred language:
Role | English language survey | Welsh language survey |
Worker in the voluntary sector | | |
Volunteer | | |
Trustee | | |
The surveys complement our current programme of focus groups. People are welcome to complete the survey, as well as sign up for a focus group. You can share each of these surveys in one concise link via this link.
The surveys are available in languages other than English or Welsh and in other formats. Email us at if you would like to complete the survey in alternative formats or languages.
Click here for a Welsh language version of this blog.
Can WCVA offer any help or guidance on setting up an International Foundation?
Learn with Grandma – is an international network of Groups on Facebook; a not for profit NGO registered in Wales reg no. 8259039.
I started Learn with Grandma as my retirement project. It’s now an international network with groups around the world promoting Intergenerational Learning & Active Ageing. The main aim is share ideas of how to use the internet as a bridge to reunite the generations and help break down the digital age gap by sharing skills; love & knowledge across the generations. Good projects are happening in many countries. All suggestions are achievable; affordable and sustainable!
I was 80 on 4th July!! It would be a pity if all that has been achieved were to die with me!
Here is an example of activity and how I encourage people to take action. My Birthday appeal was to ask people to Plant a Tree for Granny – I have now become an Ambassador for Climate Cymru. Please scroll down for more.
UN International Youth Day 2021 is on 12 August. The theme this year is Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health. Plant a Tree for Granny – is about Human and Planetary Health!! I’m thrilled that Literally THOUSANDS of trees have already been planted and many THOUSANDS more promised when the Autumn rain arrives. Jonas (Malawi) gave me the idea to ask people to PLANT a TREE Moses (Uganda) is creating an e-book; which I will send it to all speakers at the UN Climate Change Conference in November. With your help we can bring more young people on board and share to all our Governments! If YOU PLANT A TREE YOU CAN SEND A PHOTO AND YOUR CLIMATE CHANGE COMMENT for the e-BOOK! Add your Voice! Governments around the world are not Honouring their previous commitments – we can show them that they must take Climate Change seriously. If you can’t plant a tree; Plant anything – Plant an idea to help in your community.
Please contact groups in your area and ask them to get involved; Young and Elders. Planting is good for us all. Trees are our biggest plants but all plants are good for Human and Planetary Health. All plants help clean the air we NEED to breathe.
Birds live in them! Bees; all pollinators. need the blossom and are Necessary to for us to grow – our food! Working with nature is good for Human and Planetary Health. I do understand that not everyone can plant a tree – but we can all to something! Take Action – make a difference!